DFA promotes greater interoperability within the ecosystem of of socioeconomic statistics.
COMMON STATISTICAL PRODUCTION ARCHITECTURECSPA is a set of common principles and standards designed to promote greater interoperability among the different stakeholders that make up the ecosystem of official statistics. The CSPA provides guidelines for defining, developing and deploying statistical services more efficiently.
business PROCESSES LAYERBusiness Architecture covers all the activities undertaken by a statistical organization, including those undertaken to conceptualize, design, build and maintain information and application assets used in the production of statistical outputs. Business Architecture drives the Information, Application and Technology architectures for a statistical organization.
INFORMATION LAYERInformation Architecture classifies the information and knowledge assets gathered, produced and used within the Business Architecture. It also describes the information standards and frameworks that underpin the statistical information. This layer facilitates discoverability and accessibility, leading to greater reuse and sharing.
SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS LAYERThe CPSA Global Artefacts Catalogue is a description of the major logical grouping of capabilities that manage the data objects necessary to process the data and support the business. This layer details the structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
TECHNOLOGY LAYERTechnology Architecture describes the IT infrastructure required to support the deployment of business services, data services and applications services, including hardware, middleware and networks.